【参加条件/Requirements for Participants】
【日時/Date and time】
We assume that you are currently working in Japan in human resources.
In your work, we think you will have many opportunities to speak with candidates and clients in Japanese.
As you know, in Japan, indirect and soft, rather than direct, phrases and expressions are preferred in business conversation.
This unique Japanese expression becomes very important when conversing with people in “high positions”.
The example sentences used in class were created using words commonly used in hiring. For this reason, the content can be used immediately at work.
Let’s have fun learning while having conversations with the participants!
※今回のコースは、ある程度ビジネス会話のできるJLPT N2以上のレベルの方を対象としてます。
※This course is designed for those who have JLPT N2 or higher level of business conversation.